Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today was a good day. Got up at 6:30 and and had a very leisurely morning. As in, I literally just laid on my bed with a blank mind for the first half hour or 45 minutes. No reading. No web surfing. Nothing.
At 8:30 I left the house and drove down to K-Mart where I parked for free (as opposed to the ramps downtown) and walked the 10 minutes to the office. At work yesterday I was invited to sit in on a board of directors meeting as a team of urban designers went over a powerpoint presentation of the latest and greatest Master Plan for downtown Rochester. It's pretty interesting, and I think they have some good ideas, but a LOT of it is based on the idea of less motor vehicles coming into the downtown area. The words "bicycles" and "cyclists" were used roughly 490 times in the hour long presentation. I was wondering why nobody was asking questions like "what about during the 7 months out of the year when the weather is too cruddy to use a bike in Rochester?" or "With the Mayo Clinic as a medical destination where sick and disabled people come, shouldn't we be taking into consideration the needs of their patients?"
I have a little bit more to say, but its highly unlikely that anybody actually cares to read about it (in fact it seems like nobody really reads this, period). So I'll move on.
After the meeting was out at 10:30 I walked back to K-Mart and bough myself a new leather-bound journal, which I am excited to start using! Keeping a daily journal is something I've been hit and miss with the last year or so, but I'm hoping to make more of a point to do it now that I have a fresh journal. I especially want to do it through the school year, writing out my thoughts on classes, relationships, being an RA, what God is teaching me, etc. Is there something ironic about blogging electronically about keeping an old school pen-and-paper journal? Hmm.
This afternoon I went on an invigorating and sweat-inducing 14 mile bike ride, covering a lot of southeast Rochester via streets, neighborhoods and bike paths. I stopped by the post office to mail a textbook I sold online, and then swung by Crossroads and said hi to my friends who are living and working there over the summer, and then got an email on my phone reminding me that I needed to take care of some things for Thursdays on First for tomorrow, so I came back home and did that. I was gone from 1:30 until about 4, and from 4-7 I relaxed and split time between Facebook, online news stuff (this story is particularly interesting) and the Bible. Read through the Old Testament prophet of Zephaniah and LOVED these verses.
Ultimate Frisbee is on Wednesday nights, so around 7 I drove down to East Park. Unfortunately we didn't have enough people to play until about 7:45. Unfortunately we only got to play for about a half hour before two of the 7 folks playing went down with injuries! Nothing super serious I don't think (a hamstring and something in another guy's side), but it was a bummer to have to stop because of that. Praying they're alright.
Tomorrow is another Thursday! I'm excited! Unfortunately the weather looks like it could potentially get kinda nasty later in the afternoon (as opposed to the morning, like last week, heh), so we'll see. :/ I'm optimistic it will be a great day though. You should come on down!

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