Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday... That's my Funday!

I was going to write last night, but the site was down for some maintenance or something.

The last couple days have been great! :) Saturday was a busy day at the car lot, and even though we didn't sell anything, we got a few good leads for the week and had quite a bit of traffic through, so it was fun. Church was good too. I skipped the service and locked myself in the bookstore to read my new books! I got the following titles:
-The Complete Signature Classics by C.S. Lewis (7 of his most famous titles all in one gorgeous hardback volume. AHHH!!!!!)
-The Divine Commodity by Skye Jethani
-The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
-Stuff Christians Like by Jon Acuff
I'm 1/5 through the Jehani book and LOVE it so far. The Acuff book I just tossed in my glove box in my car, planning to just keep it there so I have something to browse when I've got some dead time somewhere.
Sometime when I have more energy maybe I'll actually write about WHY I bought said titles and what I think of the ones I've read. Ha.
Over the weekend I also read a book written by Sherwood Eddy called Religion and Social Justice. The interesting part about it was that it was written in 1927, so it talked about things like the horrible pay for factory workers in the U.S., and the effects of the prohibition of alcohol. One of my favorite parts of the book was this quote:

"Were we not so accustomed to war, as once our forefathers were to slavery, we might see the folly, the futility and contradiction of trying to live our lives in water-tight compartments, half pagan and half Christian; at one time believing in the sacredness and protection of human life, at another preparing for its fi...erce destruction."

Nice to know people "got it" back in the 20's, too.

Other highlights of the weekend included a great game of kickball at pastor Dan's house, attending the wedding reception of a friend I know from Fusion who is the driving force behind GFC Media, the film company that I worked with when I played the role of Billy Boy Scout. If you click the GFC link you can find that particular film on their video page. Good memories.
I also had a great cup of tea with my dear friend Emily. We enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and discussed the pros and cons (well, mostly we just discussed the cons) of "seeker-friendly churches." Good stuff.

Today I got up around 9:30, ate a leisurely breakfast, spent some time in the Word, and then Julia and I went downtown to see Monroe Crossing play at the Peace Plaza! It was my third time seeing them, and they have yet to disappoint. Such tight-knit talent!
After that I took Julia to her flute lesson. I then ran some errands, during which I swung by First Alliance Credit Union, where I broke the door handle off their front entrance. I'm a pretty enthusiastic person, especially when I'm having a day filled with stuff like God's Word, live music and sleeping in, so I was feelin' it. I walked up to the door and gave it a rather authoritative tug. The handle snapped right off! It seemed to have been loose before, but I still felt pretty awesome.
There was an employee who had just walked out the door and when she realized what had happened, she took care of the issue and put the now detached door handle to a back office somewhere. We had a good laugh about it.
I spent 3 hours at Christos and then went to Panera for supper with Bob, after which I went to Soldier's Field to see if anyone was playing Ultimate. There was a group, and I jumped in. I played barefoot, since I was only in flip-flops. I enjoyed the exercise, but when your ears get dirtier than your feet, it's not as fun. Stupid cussin' high schoolers.

Tomorrow will bring about my last RDA work day before the Thursdays on First summer market kicks off!! I am really excited for everything to start up, and hope to see many friends, family and acquaintances downtown over the course of the summer.

For now though, I've written enough, and I can hear books calling my name. I'm in the middle of three right now. the Anne Graham Lotz book I've mentioned before, The Divine Commodity, and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, which I started on a whim last night.

P.S. I love that one of the tags I can use for this post is "accidental vandalism." Bahahaha.

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