Thursday, May 27, 2010

Work, gardening, life

Still feeling the high of passing the test. Or it could be the sugar buzz from these amazing brownies Julia made tonight. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Yesterday was good. Didn't do too much of any real lasting consequence, but did make a fun video with my sisters. If you haven't seen it, it's on facebook.

Today was good. Utterly beautiful weather!! Slept in, and then finished reading Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening, by author Dan Hayes. The 2010-2011 R.A. team has been assigned to read it over the summer. It's a quick read, 150 pages. Good book, got me thinking about a few things for the school year, and for me personally.
Went in to work for my internship at the RDA this afternoon, and had a reasonably productive afternoon there. My supervisor is an incredibly dedicated and hard worker. She spent the first part of this week in Chicago, and because of a flight delay, came directly from the airport to work. Her suitcase was in her office when I walked in. Yeahwow.
This evening was great. Got home from work around 4:30, and had a great cup of Tazo tea, orange flavor. Sat alone with my thoughts outside my room on my little secluded porch and just took it all in. Lovely.
After that Julia and I went for a bike ride for probably an hour or so, covering quite a bit of ground. When we got back it was just about time for supper (stir fry, yum). After supper I did some reading from my Mark Twain collection that I bought in Omaha on choir tour, and then helped plant cucumbers in the family garden.
I clearly see the incredible value, both monetary and otherwise, of home gardens; heck $2.39 bought us enough cucumber seeds to give us a crop that will easily last the entire year. But even with helping in our garden every year, I've never derived that much enjoyment from the activities involved in gardening. I delight in dining on fresh fruits and veggies, but haven't ever really willingly tread the path from the house up to the garden to put in the work that ends in said results. I wonder if it's because of the size of our garden. It's, I believe, close to an acre in size, so no small little thing. Perhaps something smaller might be more enticing, knowing that I don't have to spend hours upon hours in the dirt. But I remember when we had a smaller one at the bus garage growing up, and I don't recall being particularly enthused about working in that either. Hm. I've never really had an interest in actively participating in agriculture/planting/gardening, I guess. I help when asked, but don't foresee having one for myself.

On the docket for tomorrow: Reuniting with a good friend from my scout troop, Anders. Should be fun. :)

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