Saturday, May 29, 2010

This is a happy blog post.

This weekend has been good. Spent Friday night at the mall with Anders, mostly perusing Barnes and Noble. It made me want to buy books and books and books and books and books. Especially that whole shelf stocked with classics by Dickens, Austen, Poe, Kipling, Dickenson, Twain and more. Ahhh!

Speaking of reading, I'm currently one chapter through Ann Graham Lotz's best seller, The Magnificent Obsession. It was given to me a couple weeks ago by my mentor Bob. It's had some good things to say, so far. It pulls from Abraham's example of faith. The one thing that kinda bugs me though is that when she goes into "I wonder what his peers were thinking at this point in time?" mode, she makes them all think distinctly modern-day, western-style thoughts, which then distract me and make me say to myself "actually, I'm almost positive that's nothing like what they actually thought." Oh well. Like I said, I'm only one chapter in.

Post-mall hanging, I went back to Anders house and was pleasantly surprised to discover Austin was home for the weekend, so I got to see him. The three of us, plus Scott, James and True David all played this (admittedly nerdy) roll-playing game called "We're All Gonna Die!" (click link to see rules). I was pretty skeptical that I'd enjoy myself heading into it, since RPG's of any sort are definitely not my usual cup of tea, but it was actually pretty fun. Mostly because Anders and True David are hilarious.

Today I slept in until about 10:30, an event which has occurred with a fair amount of regularity since school got out. I am most pleased about this. For the most part, today was fairly lethargic, physically, mentally, etc. I read a bit and then plaid some super slacker tennis with Johanna and Cassia. After they left to go wherever they went, I chilled in my room and watched this video lecture about the fashion industry and its relationship with Intellectual Property. Interesting stuff.

Then I headed to a friend's grad party, where I chilled for a couple hours and enjoyed the food and conversation. It was a PSEO student from Crossroads, so I got to see a lot of my college friends there, including Levi and Jerod, which was awesome.

Picking up Matt and heading for church followed the grad party. Steer gave a great sermon on the joy of prayer. Prayer is one of those topics which has come up in several different places in my life recently. It's definitely prompted me to take a closer look at my prayer life and re-examine the frequency, duration, variety and nature of my prayers.

One of the highlights of the service was definitely the SEPTUPLE BABY DEDICATION! Six parents had seven children dedicated to the Lord during the service. I love baby dedications, it's so cool to see parents taking such a public step and saying "Hey, we love our kid, and we care about his/her upbringing, and we want to show the world that we are going to strive to be intentional about how we raise our child." Love it, love it, love it. Plus the baby pictures they show on the screen are always adorable. :-)

Post-church, Matt and I drove over to Crossroads and walked from there, all the way around the southern portion of the Zumbro trail, from school out to Mayowood Road down by the closed bridge. We then walked along the road back to school. Total trip covered probably 5 miles at least. We had a great conversation covering life, relationships, politics, false religion and true religion that didn't stop until I dropped him off at his house a bit before 11pm. It was a great night!

I just checked my calendar a bit ago, and saw that I have absolutely NOTHING on it for tomorrow OR Monday. Sweet. Feeling some reading coming on, and possibly an attempt at finishing my mammoth goal of organizing the family library. Weee shall seee.

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