Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Today's Big Story- Mark Sanford

This story is just too weird to not write about, and the more I write, the more I research, and the more I research, the more I write. Here goes.

MARK SANFORD. Ok, so I was just about to start writing a few brief thoughts on this story, and I did a quick Google News search just to double check my facts on this story, and low and behold, it’s gotten even weirder. Sanford, the governor of South Carolina and one of the top names mentioned when discussing GOP 2012 presidential contenders, went missing- like, totally gone- last Thursday, June 18. It didn’t really make news for a few days, but when Father’s Day weekend came and went with no sign of him, a few news outlets began to take notice. Sanford finally made contact with the media yesterday evening, and it was first reported that he had been hiking- alone- on the Appalachian Trail. Reports said that he needed time to clear his head and do some writing. Well, now the story has completely changed- we then heard this morning that he was found at the Atlanta International Airport (some 220 miles from the capitol in Columbia, S.C.), after returning from a trip to Buenos Aires (which is nearly 5,000 miles from Columbia, if you draw a straight line connecting the points). And just a short while ago, at 2pm, he announced that he has been having an affair with an Argentinean woman for the past year, and that his wife has known about it for the past five months.

I find this story extremely curious. First of all, how does a state governor, a husband and a father of four sons not tell ANYbody, including his wife (who claims she didn’t know where he was) that he was going to be gone for six days, over Fathers Day? Even if he was actually having an affair, wouldn’t you at least say SOMEthing, to cover for yourself, rather than just disappear?

Second, Sanford claims that the decision to go to Buinos Aires was “last minute.” But that would mean that he also bought airline tickets last minute. Orbitz shows that a next-day, one-way, non-stop ticket to Buenos Aires is nearly $1,600 on Delta. Pretty pricey. Now, I don’t have any facts or links to back this up, but I’ve heard that when tickets are bought at the last minute, you are far more likely to be selected for random security searches. If this is so, how did he escape notice? Now it’s possible that he was not chosen for a security search, but either way, shouldn’t someone- airport security, airport or airline employee, or a random traveler- have noticed the governor of South Carolina was in the area? If he took a public flight, he would have had to go through the normal screening process, especially if he was alone. And he definitely would have had to be alone, because remember, NOBODY knew where he was for almost a full week. Not his wife, not his sons, not his security guards, not the legislature, not the media- nobody. What gives?

Third, how does a state governor- and a rather well-known one at that- carry on an alleged affair for a whole year with a woman 5,000 miles away? I would say it is darn near impossible that Sanford could have done this, unless she was in the country for every single one of their supposed meetings save for this most recent. We’ll have to see if her name comes up in the following hours and days here. If not, I will remain in some doubt towards the story that this is all true.

There are other loose ends to this story including:
-A report that he and his wife had been going through marriage counseling prior to this.
-An abandoned black Suburban turning up at the Columbia, S.C. airport that matches a description of the one Sanford was last seen in before his disappearance. Keep in mind that Sanford turned up in Atlanta, which means that he would have had to take a flight (or catch a ride with someone who isn’t talking yet) from Columbia to Atlanta. While it is hard to believe that he would not have been recognized in the Atlanta airport, it is nearly unfathomable that there were zero reported sightings of him in the airport of the capitol city of his own state.

The final word from me: While this may very well all play out and be uncovered to be the true story, I am not 100% convinced that Mark Sanford has been in an extra-marital affair. There are too many factors that do not yet add up.

Another interesting link, showing the timeline of this story.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thoughts in Text

This blog could go many, many different directions, since there are many, many different things running through my head right now about a lot of different stuff, but I’ll just keep it narrowed down to the ones that will scratch my itch to write.

MUSIC: I would like to recommend to each of you the new album by Philadelphia, PA’s mewithoutYou. They just released a brand new album on May 19, 2009, titled It’s All Crazy! It’s All False! It’s All a Dream! It’s All Right. This album is lush with lyrical lines of limitless genius, and the musical landscape is a well suited match. There are influences from hard rock, classic rock, eastern music, American indie rock, and I believe my ears have possibly detected a jazz influence or two. It’s a great album that I am still enjoying and will for quite some time.

BOOKS: I recently finished H.G. Well’s The Time Machine. I’m not really sure if I read an abridged or unabridged version, because the book did not say either way. I’ve heard it’s one of the giants of the science fiction world, but upon finishing it, I can’t bring myself to agree. It was a good story, with excellent writing in both form and content to be sure, but I can think of several fiction books which have better held my attention. Nonetheless, I did finish the book, and would not vehemently deter potential readers from its pages. It was just a pretty good story. Not much more, not much less.

FOOD: I’ve had the pleasure of dining at a number of local eateries in the past months, and would like to give praise to Noodles and Company for having an absolutely fantastic meal. I ordered the Pesto Pavatappi with chicken from the Mediterranean section of the menu, and in minutes I was delivered an excellent dish bursting with flavor. Props also go to this clean restaurant for their selection of Izze brand sodas, which are made without any high fructose corn syrup or other additives. I had a great experience and look forward to my next meal at Noodles and Company!

MONEY: Now, there are many, many things I could write about just on the topic of money, but what I’m thinking of specifically is how nice it is to have some expendable income right now. Since moving back home for the summer, I’ve been able to live a bit more of a leisurely lifestyle, rather than having to pinch and watch every penny like I typically do during the school year. Cutting your rent and doubling your income is always a good idea. It is because of this that I have been able to enjoy dining out more, using that money to invest not only in some good food, but also in the time to build and strengthen friendships with some of my closest friends.

LOCAL LIFE: I’ve really gotten to appreciate my summer work schedule. It’s a beautiful split shift, 7-11am, and 2-6pm. I don’t start too early, and I don’t get off too late by any means, and I have a great 3 hour lunch break every day! This has allowed me to embrace the local business social life that comes with living in the Med City. I’d like to highlight a couple things here. First of all, Thursdays on First. Thursday, June 11 was my first time attending this event, which takes place on 1st Ave SW in downtown Rochester. It was a delightful multisensory experience to see the many food vendors, kiosks and local businesses showing off their wares as literally thousands of people crowded the Peace Plaza to have a look. I personally enjoyed a deliciously fresh fruit smoothie, which I purchased from a vendor. I also swung by Hannes Menswear, where I ran into my friends Matt and Emily, both of whom I hadn’t seen in a while. Thursdays on First is the best thing to happen to Rochester since, well, the inception of Rochesterfest. Speaking of Rochesterfest, it’s next week! I eagerly anticipate wandering downtown, again taking in the sites and sounds of our beautiful city.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Just wanted to take a few minutes to blog about my fantastic experience at Silver Lake Foods, a locally owned and operated grocery store here in Rochester, right on North Broadway at the Silver Lake Shopping Center. I'm going over to Matt's house tonight for his post-grad party, and had to pick up some hot dog buns for the event. I was contemplating where to go, either Silver Lake Foods, because it's right by work, or Wal-Mart, because it was mostly on the way to Matt's house after work. I ended up choosing Silver Lake because I had just enough time before I needed to be at work, and because of the size difference of the stores, when considering the one item I needed.

Here is my experience: I walked in the door, and less than five seconds after entering the store, I was greeted with a friendly smile by an employee who asked me how I was doing, and if he could help me. I told him I was doing pretty good, and that I was looking for hot dog buns. He smiled and said "sure!" and immediately left his job of stocking shelves to personally guide me back to the baked goods section, where he handed me a package of fresh baked hot dog buns that were delivered from the Gingerbread House that same day. I thanked him and walked up to check out. I found a totally empty aisle, and was checked out in moments. The clerk, who had returend to stocking his shelf, waved at me again as I was leaving, and I again thanked him for his friendly assistance. It was a fantastic experience, and as I drove to work, I reflected on how, in no possible way, would I have received the same quality or speed of treatment, had I gone to Wal Mart.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ten things going on in my life, most of which are mostly unlreated, except that they are going on in my life.

Oh dear, I KNOW it’s been too long since I’ve blogged when I can sit down and just scribble out no less than ten items, right off the top of my head, that I want to share with you, oh faithful or happenstance reader. I’m afraid I’m just not the caliber of blogger I aspire to be. *sigh*
Anyway, enough of the fluff, let’s get to the stuff!

1. When we last communicated, I was anticipating serving as a personal attendant for Michael O’Brien, the guest musical star touring with the Fresh Grounded Faith women’s conference that stopped in Rochester at the end of April. As it turned out, Michael is a delightful gentleman with a very likable sense of humor, and an approachable and easy going nature that made for a most enjoyable weekend. I didn’t score any of his old pop albums, but I did get fifty bucks for the weekend from the conference organizer. Not bad. I also made a couple contacts. John and Shelley Jennings. Shelley is a singer who used to be involved in the Passion movement with Louie Giglio, and is now a studio musician who sings backup for a lot of people you’ve probably heard of. Her husband John used to be really high up at Word Music. We’re all facebook buddies now. J

2. Amanda moved here around the beginning of May, and is living on campus over the summer, awaiting the start of the fall semester at Crossroads, where she’ll be majoring in Counseling Psychology. We’ve been having quite a good time of it (regardless that we’re no longer dating) playing some pretty fast-paced, intense ping-pong games in the student center. We both agree that we need to start keeping track of wins and losses, because lemme tell you, we play a LOT.

3. School finished up on April 30th and I got a respectable 3.49 GPA for the semester, bringing my cumulative GPA down slightly to 3.57 or something like that. I’ll get ‘er back up next fall.

4. Since school let out I’ve been given a new (full time) work schedule at Rochester City Lines, where I presently am. I work 7-11am and 2-6pm, Monday through Friday. I wasn’t super excited about it, since I was hoping to have four ten-hour days, but now that I’m into my third week of it, I really like it! I’m getting rather spoiled by a three hour lunch break.

5. While I am working full time and it is summer, I’m not slacking off on school at all. I’ve registered to take a CLEP test this Thursday morning, May 21. If you’ve never heard of CLEP tests, basically what they are, are tests you can take to get out of taking a full length class. I’m taking a test for Information Systems and Computer Applications, which meets the requirements and description of the Computer Applications and Business class at Crossroads. I have 90 minutes to answer 100 multiple choice questions, and if I get 52 or more questions correct on this $90 test, I pass the test and get full credit for the class! Pretty nifty if you ask me! I think that if this test goes well, I’m going to go for the Principles of Management test later this summer. Having some PSEO credits to get me going in college has really provided some motivation to get me through my four year program in 3 years. We’ll see how close I get!

6. Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, I have always kind of had a mind and an eye for business, and I recently completed my first real-live profit earning transaction! Last fall I purchased a 1996 Toyota Camry from one of the faculty at Crossroads, and brought it over to our family’s car lot Owner’s Auto Mart to sell. It sat for a month with zero attention, no inquiries, no test drives. I lowered the price by $350 and less than a week later it sold! After expenses, I earned a bit over $400 on it, which I’m not thrilled with, but pleased. Heck, it pays the rent for a month. Nothing wrong with that, especially since I only put about 4 hours maximum into the whole deal, start to finish.

7. Just to make SURE that I’m keeping myself busy this summer, I started a facebook group called (Re)Discovering Rochester. I spent quite a bit of time a couple weeks ago scouring web sites like and the Rochester Convention and Visitors Bureau’s web page looking for anything and everything to do in Rochester that looks remotely cool or interesting. I am pleased to say that there are no less than 21 members (myself not included) have agreed to let me message them about said stuff to do in Rochester. I’ve had two events so far, and the most I’ve had attend it two people. Hopefully those numbers will increase.

8. Dad’s birthday was yesterday, and I celebrated it my going to his house and enjoying some amazing chicken from St. Charles, asparagus from next door, and chocolate brownie cheesecake from the kitchen. Fantastic meal! I love my mom, she’s such a great cook! After supper we watched Horton Hear’s a Who, which I must say is a good movie! I love the monkeys, and the social/political commentary on the character interplay between the kangaroo and Horton is just fabulous! Watch it if you haven’t seen it, and if you have, watch it again some time. J

9. What has certainly been a highlight of my summer so far was last weekend. I had the opportunity to be reunited with 4 of my former scouting buddies and current, fellow Eagle Scouts, Aaron Walker, James Roepke, Austin Zeller and Andrew Stammer. Aaron, James, Austin and I met Saturday morning to perform an opening flag ceremony for the MN-SD-ND regional gathering of the IAAP, the International Association of Administrative Professionals. Basically it was a smallish meeting of middle aged, female secretaries. Our job took less than 10 minutes, which in itself wasn’t really worth it, but what made it worth it was the free breakfast afterward (thanks to Mrs. Zeller for giving Austin her credit card)! We went to Panekouken in downtown Rochester, and I had an amazing nine dollar omelet, and took a giant muffin for later. Many good laughs were shared as we recounted scouting memories and caught up on what we’re all up to now. I expect great things from each of them. After breakfast I had a great time over at Andrew’s house. He’s working in Wisconsin all summer, and was only home for this week between school and his summer job, so it was a true joy to be able to see him before he left. We played a game of Stratego, which he most definitely schooled me in. I’ll get him next time… maybe.

10. Tenth and finally, I am seriously looking forward to a family vacation to California! We leave on Friday, May 22nd, and will be returning June 2. We’re still not sure what route we’re taking to get there, but I can guarantee you that whatever way we take, we will have FUN! I haven’t been on a full-fledged family trip since summer 2007, when we hit up the east coast (D.C., Gettysburg, Hershey, PA, etc.). I’ve been doing some research for some interesting places to stop at along the way, and so far I’ve come across some interesting ideas, courtesy of I’ll do my best to write a blog or two during the trip, but given my track record of blogging, don’t bet on it. Heh.

So yeah, there’s a run down of wassup.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blah blah blogging.

Before I get to the real meat of this post, just wanted to share with you that I'm almost done with school for the year! One OT History test, one World Missions Quiz, and a ten page paper for World Missions is all I have left. Yay!

Now, on to the fun stuff: This weekend I have been hired by the Devoted Heart's Womens Conference to provide chauffeur services for performing artist Michael O'Brien. The first and foremost benefit of acquiring this job is that it has markedly increased my ability to spell the word "chauffeur" with zero errors on the first attempt. Yesss.

Doing this job will earn me less money than I could doing my regular deal, but hey, it's worth the slight decrease in pay to do something like this. At least that's what I figure. Money isn't everything.

So Who is Michael O'Brien? That's exactly a question I asked myself when I heard about the conference. So I googled his name, and also looked it up on Wiki. Google of course, in all it's fantastic amazingness, brought me to the precise location I was looking for. Wikipedia, however, offered me some of the following suggestions as answers to my querie:

-Michael O'Brien (Irish footballer), Irish sportsman in 1920s
-Michael O'Brien (of the Cardiff Newsagent Three)
-Mike O'Brien (game developer)
-Michael O'Brien, first known streaker at a major sporting event

[sarcasm] Yeah. That streaker dude. That's exactly who I was looking for. [/sarcasm]
Just FYI, the first documented occurrence of streaking at a public sporting event took place on April 20, 1974 during a rugby match between England and France. On that note, I would like to wish everbody a


Now that that's out of the way, I should close out the wiki article on streaking that I have open. Wouldn't want people here at work to get any ideas about me (or ideas for themselves. Yikes.).

The Michael O'Brien for whom I shall be providing professional private vehicle transportation services is a Christian music singer who was at the peak of his popularity in the mid 1990's, when I was some 7 years old and still listening to the rock gods of all evangelical youths: The Doughnut Man and Psalty the Singing Songbook. I tell ya, they don't make music like they used to, man.
Anyhoo, Michael is gonna be in town to provide the conference with a higher level of musical talent, and I get to be his right hand man, from picking him up at the Rochester airport on Friday afternoon, until I return him to the airport for his next flight on Saturday afternoon. Despite the fact that I have no idea who this guy is, and that I've never heard a song by him, I am looking forward to the weekend. Maybe I'll get a blog-worthy story out of it. Heck, the fact that I'll be doing it turned out to be blogworthy in and of itself. Who knows, Maybe he'll be a really terrible back seat driver. Maybe we'll get into a horrific crash and I'll turn into some local hero for dragging his unconscious body out of a burning vehicle. I can see the headline now: LOCAL COLLEGE STUDENT SAVES VISITING MUSIC SEMI-STAR. Maybe. Maybe we'll hit it off really well like I did with that banjo player from Monroe's Crossing and end up being facebook buddies. Maybe he'll have a weird tweak and only drink certain brands of bottled water. Or maybe I'll score a CD or something out of the deal. My stash of mid 90's christian pop is definitely lacking.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today was worth writing about

Haven't written anything in a good long while. Hmmm. And I enjoy the writing, too! Why don't I blog more?

Good question.

Anyway, I thought today was worth writing about. Today was a Wednesday. Here are some things that happened to me on this particular Wednesday.

1. I went to Dr. Divino's class, "World Missions: Perspectives" at 8am. I was actually a couple minutes late, because I rolled out of bed at 7:59 and it took me a couple minutes to get dressed and grab my left-over apple-cinnamon muffin from Perkins to take to class for a light breakfast.

Class was more interesting than usual. We had a good discussion of how capitalism is better than marxism, and is more in line with the biblical worldview. Yay for talking about politics and the Bible!

2. After that I took a shower and had a nice sausage/egg muffin, again, a leftover from Perkins. That $5.99 country cookin' breakfast is a good deal!

3. I kinda meant to do homework and then didn't do any between 9:30 and 11. At 10:50 I went to Mrs. Picker's "Foundations of Christian Education" class a few minutes early to set up the DVD player so we could watch a movie in class. I set it up for her because she once upon a time got to the school at the same time I was doing the morning computer checks (a job I held for two weeks before deciding it wasn't worth the money to get up that early), so she now, a month later, asked me to do a basic tech job for her. Woohoo. Anyway, the movie was pretty good. At least the parts I was awake for. I dont remember the title, but odds are I will before I'm done with this post. I know it was a two-word title with "M" alliteration, and second word being Minds. Got it: it was called Misunderstood Minds. Told you I'd remember.

4. Something that's never happened to me before happened right before Foundations. Somebody told me what animal I reminded them of, when I had not been previously engaged in conversation with this individual about said topic. Just so you all know, I remind Sarah Cupp of a ferret.

5. For lunch, I had a good home cooked meal consisting of green beans, mashed potatoes and some great tasting chicken. Thanks, mom for sending that home with me last night when I stopped by to pick up my new order of checks!

6. After lunch I was browsing my new items on Google Reader (an incredibly awesome tool you should all use), and I got a random urge to listen to an 80's rock song called "Sweet Cherry Pie." There remains some confusion on my part as to who actually sings this hair-waving, head-banging tune, but I'm pretty sure it's either Poison or Whitesnake. I'm really not a huge 80's rock fan, so it was kinda different that I got the urge to listen to said song. Hm.

7. I went to Dr. Sprinkle's "Old Testament History" class at 1pm. He talked about a lot of stuff from 1 Samuel and nothing really remarkable happened other than the retelling of the always-amusing story of how Saul asked David to bring him 100 Philistine foreskins as a bride price to marry his daughter. David brought him 200. What a stud.

8. At 2pm I went to statistics class. I kinda have a love-hate relationship with that one. Todd Johnson is a great instructor, very humorous and enjoyable to listen to, but at the same time he can be very, uhmm what's the word... shoot, it's too late. Uhhmm... Ben Carlson-like... IMPULSIVE. That's the word! Yeah, Mr. Johnson can be very impulsive. Which is not a bad thing I guess, but as a person who prefers things to be done in an organized manner, it can be a little tiring at times.
Also working against this class is the fact taht I really don't like math, and statistics has a lot more math in it than I realized. Fortunately I think most of the math is over, and for our final project we're able to use Excel.
Look at this, a third paragraph for one topic. Amazing. Anyway, the whole reason I brought up statistics class is because I got an A ON MY TEST! That's probably the first time in... uh... well, a really long time that I've gotten an A on something math related that I didn't get help on. I feel very proud of myself, not gonna lie!

9. I filled up the car before I went to church tonight, and low and behold, my gas mileage mysteriously jumped like three M.P.G. for no apparent reason. I was quite surprised, considering that I was rather heavy of foot for a little while on that tank. I'm curious if the warmer weather has something to do with it. Yay for spring! It's my favorite season. :)

10. At church tonight, only one kid showed up for my kids club small group. Usually there are four or five. I ended up passing him off to the 5th grade boys teachers (who I observed for a couple weeks before taking on the job as 3rd grade group leader) and passed the half hour by going to the bathroom and meticulously washing and drying my hands for several minutes. Just because.

After church I helped Nella the church custodian set up some tables and chairs and tablecloths for the next event in that room that kids club is in. Then I walked over to the Timothy chapel where I had worship band practice.

11. Worship band practice was good! It was our very last time together practicing, so we were all somewhat mourning that fact. We're playing three songs tomorrow.

So yeah, that was my day today. If you read all of this... you're done now. You're welcome. :)