Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today was worth writing about

Haven't written anything in a good long while. Hmmm. And I enjoy the writing, too! Why don't I blog more?

Good question.

Anyway, I thought today was worth writing about. Today was a Wednesday. Here are some things that happened to me on this particular Wednesday.

1. I went to Dr. Divino's class, "World Missions: Perspectives" at 8am. I was actually a couple minutes late, because I rolled out of bed at 7:59 and it took me a couple minutes to get dressed and grab my left-over apple-cinnamon muffin from Perkins to take to class for a light breakfast.

Class was more interesting than usual. We had a good discussion of how capitalism is better than marxism, and is more in line with the biblical worldview. Yay for talking about politics and the Bible!

2. After that I took a shower and had a nice sausage/egg muffin, again, a leftover from Perkins. That $5.99 country cookin' breakfast is a good deal!

3. I kinda meant to do homework and then didn't do any between 9:30 and 11. At 10:50 I went to Mrs. Picker's "Foundations of Christian Education" class a few minutes early to set up the DVD player so we could watch a movie in class. I set it up for her because she once upon a time got to the school at the same time I was doing the morning computer checks (a job I held for two weeks before deciding it wasn't worth the money to get up that early), so she now, a month later, asked me to do a basic tech job for her. Woohoo. Anyway, the movie was pretty good. At least the parts I was awake for. I dont remember the title, but odds are I will before I'm done with this post. I know it was a two-word title with "M" alliteration, and second word being Minds. Got it: it was called Misunderstood Minds. Told you I'd remember.

4. Something that's never happened to me before happened right before Foundations. Somebody told me what animal I reminded them of, when I had not been previously engaged in conversation with this individual about said topic. Just so you all know, I remind Sarah Cupp of a ferret.

5. For lunch, I had a good home cooked meal consisting of green beans, mashed potatoes and some great tasting chicken. Thanks, mom for sending that home with me last night when I stopped by to pick up my new order of checks!

6. After lunch I was browsing my new items on Google Reader (an incredibly awesome tool you should all use), and I got a random urge to listen to an 80's rock song called "Sweet Cherry Pie." There remains some confusion on my part as to who actually sings this hair-waving, head-banging tune, but I'm pretty sure it's either Poison or Whitesnake. I'm really not a huge 80's rock fan, so it was kinda different that I got the urge to listen to said song. Hm.

7. I went to Dr. Sprinkle's "Old Testament History" class at 1pm. He talked about a lot of stuff from 1 Samuel and nothing really remarkable happened other than the retelling of the always-amusing story of how Saul asked David to bring him 100 Philistine foreskins as a bride price to marry his daughter. David brought him 200. What a stud.

8. At 2pm I went to statistics class. I kinda have a love-hate relationship with that one. Todd Johnson is a great instructor, very humorous and enjoyable to listen to, but at the same time he can be very, uhmm what's the word... shoot, it's too late. Uhhmm... Ben Carlson-like... IMPULSIVE. That's the word! Yeah, Mr. Johnson can be very impulsive. Which is not a bad thing I guess, but as a person who prefers things to be done in an organized manner, it can be a little tiring at times.
Also working against this class is the fact taht I really don't like math, and statistics has a lot more math in it than I realized. Fortunately I think most of the math is over, and for our final project we're able to use Excel.
Look at this, a third paragraph for one topic. Amazing. Anyway, the whole reason I brought up statistics class is because I got an A ON MY TEST! That's probably the first time in... uh... well, a really long time that I've gotten an A on something math related that I didn't get help on. I feel very proud of myself, not gonna lie!

9. I filled up the car before I went to church tonight, and low and behold, my gas mileage mysteriously jumped like three M.P.G. for no apparent reason. I was quite surprised, considering that I was rather heavy of foot for a little while on that tank. I'm curious if the warmer weather has something to do with it. Yay for spring! It's my favorite season. :)

10. At church tonight, only one kid showed up for my kids club small group. Usually there are four or five. I ended up passing him off to the 5th grade boys teachers (who I observed for a couple weeks before taking on the job as 3rd grade group leader) and passed the half hour by going to the bathroom and meticulously washing and drying my hands for several minutes. Just because.

After church I helped Nella the church custodian set up some tables and chairs and tablecloths for the next event in that room that kids club is in. Then I walked over to the Timothy chapel where I had worship band practice.

11. Worship band practice was good! It was our very last time together practicing, so we were all somewhat mourning that fact. We're playing three songs tomorrow.

So yeah, that was my day today. If you read all of this... you're done now. You're welcome. :)

1 comment:

creepycrover665 said...

cherry pie was done by warrant