Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blah blah blogging.

Before I get to the real meat of this post, just wanted to share with you that I'm almost done with school for the year! One OT History test, one World Missions Quiz, and a ten page paper for World Missions is all I have left. Yay!

Now, on to the fun stuff: This weekend I have been hired by the Devoted Heart's Womens Conference to provide chauffeur services for performing artist Michael O'Brien. The first and foremost benefit of acquiring this job is that it has markedly increased my ability to spell the word "chauffeur" with zero errors on the first attempt. Yesss.

Doing this job will earn me less money than I could doing my regular deal, but hey, it's worth the slight decrease in pay to do something like this. At least that's what I figure. Money isn't everything.

So Who is Michael O'Brien? That's exactly a question I asked myself when I heard about the conference. So I googled his name, and also looked it up on Wiki. Google of course, in all it's fantastic amazingness, brought me to the precise location I was looking for. Wikipedia, however, offered me some of the following suggestions as answers to my querie:

-Michael O'Brien (Irish footballer), Irish sportsman in 1920s
-Michael O'Brien (of the Cardiff Newsagent Three)
-Mike O'Brien (game developer)
-Michael O'Brien, first known streaker at a major sporting event

[sarcasm] Yeah. That streaker dude. That's exactly who I was looking for. [/sarcasm]
Just FYI, the first documented occurrence of streaking at a public sporting event took place on April 20, 1974 during a rugby match between England and France. On that note, I would like to wish everbody a


Now that that's out of the way, I should close out the wiki article on streaking that I have open. Wouldn't want people here at work to get any ideas about me (or ideas for themselves. Yikes.).

The Michael O'Brien for whom I shall be providing professional private vehicle transportation services is a Christian music singer who was at the peak of his popularity in the mid 1990's, when I was some 7 years old and still listening to the rock gods of all evangelical youths: The Doughnut Man and Psalty the Singing Songbook. I tell ya, they don't make music like they used to, man.
Anyhoo, Michael is gonna be in town to provide the conference with a higher level of musical talent, and I get to be his right hand man, from picking him up at the Rochester airport on Friday afternoon, until I return him to the airport for his next flight on Saturday afternoon. Despite the fact that I have no idea who this guy is, and that I've never heard a song by him, I am looking forward to the weekend. Maybe I'll get a blog-worthy story out of it. Heck, the fact that I'll be doing it turned out to be blogworthy in and of itself. Who knows, Maybe he'll be a really terrible back seat driver. Maybe we'll get into a horrific crash and I'll turn into some local hero for dragging his unconscious body out of a burning vehicle. I can see the headline now: LOCAL COLLEGE STUDENT SAVES VISITING MUSIC SEMI-STAR. Maybe. Maybe we'll hit it off really well like I did with that banjo player from Monroe's Crossing and end up being facebook buddies. Maybe he'll have a weird tweak and only drink certain brands of bottled water. Or maybe I'll score a CD or something out of the deal. My stash of mid 90's christian pop is definitely lacking.

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