Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This was originally way, way longer.

At this very moment, there is something happening in the Crossroads College student center which I believe so, so much in: Students gathering and paying money to participate in something that they could totally do any other night, for free. But they choose to give money [for Haiti], because they believe in something bigger than themselves. They believe that they can make a difference in the lives of people they will never, ever meet here on earth. I think that's tremendous, momentous and 27 colors of incredible.
I said I was going to be there. I told people I would be there. I RSVP'd “attending” on Facebook. But here I am, sitting in bed, laptop on my lap top, writing. Why? I shouldn't be here. I'm an extravert. I love groups of people. My spirit feasts on the energy of laughter and smiles and conversation and happiness. But I'm not there. I'm here. Alone.


Truth be told, my heart, mind, body, soul, spirit and ears (oh, the ears! If only they could be closed as easily as the eyes!) are all yearning for something, demanding it in such a way that it cannot be ignored. Not tonight. That would be a mistake. I don't know why, but I know it would. Tonight, what I need is silence. No music. No people. No conversation. No Facebook. No homework (God knows I get enough of that whether I want it or not.). Silence. Shhhhhh. Listen to it! That nothingness you hear? That's the sound of Restoration. Peace. Recharging. Please, I beg of you- accept it. Embrace it. Learn to like it. And after that, learn to love it. Love it so that you can notice and catch all it's subtleties and moments of tiny grandeur. Love it so you can recognize it instantly when it calls. Because when it calls, it has so, so, so much to say. Listen to it.


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