Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A lame attempt at a blog post.

The reasons that I don't blog with near the amount of regularity that I wish I did are several.

First of all, time. I find myself with seemingly increasingly less of that commodity (and yet the days are still a full 24 hours in length!), and my first interests and priorities when I DO find some spare time generally lie elsewhere than upon spewing loosely organized thoughts onto the world wide web. The second reason that comes to mind, and this is very, very bothersome to me, is that when I sit down to write a blog, I have a very difficult time deciding on a topic that I feel is well worth taking my time to organize my thoughts into coherence and some semblance of meaning, and then transpose them from the script I have laid out in my mind to the blank document that all my blogs digital forms originate from. Add to this the complication that often times, just when I find myself settled on an individual topic, a new idea or thought pops up which I perceive as being equally as valid a topic as the one which I had originally intended to write about! Take as example, the several items which at this very moment (3:04am, central daylight time, January 6, 2010) are things I have at least a nominal interest in writing about:

1. The fact that it is now five days until the start of the second semester, and my sleep schedule is royally screwed up! I need to get this thing straightened out, and be right quick about it!

2. My waning interest in politics vs. my waxing interest in Jesus Christ and the reasons for such a shift. (Phil L., if you read this by chance, don't think for a moment that I'll ever alter myself so much as to share your views on the matter. Not happening. Love you, man!)

3. How hardcore/metal/screamo/heavy music was extremely under-represented in my listening habits over 2009 compared with the previous two years, and the reasons behind this.

4. How much I am looking forward to 2010.

5. What I thought of 2009.

6. My love/hate relationship with Social Media.

On each of these topics I really, truly do want to write, and so many other ideas have come and gone from my brain in the past months (really, if you're going to keep a blog, seven months is FAR too long to go without blogging).

.......(minutes go by and I watch a video my friend was just tagged in on Facbeook).........

Ugh. The fact that it's nearly 3:30am just caught up with me. Brain. melt. Can't put together sentences in any way that I'll be happy with. Time for sleep. And dreaming of a time when I'll be a more efficient and proficient blogger.

yeah right.

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