Monday, September 29, 2008

Life, Work, School, Stuff

It's a Monday evening, and I'm chilling out in my dorm. It's been a bit over a month (August 27th) since I moved out, and I can definitely say its been the total breath of fresh air that I was looking for. To be able to run my life, and know that I'm in charge of my schedule, my money, setting meetings and appointments, making phone calls and everything else that comes along with the responsibility of living alone, has given me loads of self-confidence.
I really like Crossroads College's housing setup and campus life arrangement. They have townhouses, each one with 6 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, in-house (free) washing machines and dryers, and a full kitchen (oven, microwave, dishwasher, sink, refrigerator, freezer, cookware, etc.). This means that I have my own bedroom/living space. It's about 12x8'. I really like it! The reason the school provides a full kitchen is because they don't have any food program, so all students have to do their own cooking/provide their own meals. This too has been a fun learning experience for me so far, learning how to grocery shop, look for deals and sales, and cook and prepare meals for myself. I can't really say I've done any honest-t0-God cooking, but I do make grilled cheese and tomato soup, spaghetti, and soups for lunch or supper, and I'm eating cereal (generic brand of course... its so much cheaper!), bagels and oatmeal for breakfast. So I'm keeping a fairly steady diet, although its somewhat devoid of any meat right now. I still have a bag of frozen chicken breasts in the freezer... I really should pull those out and try those. I just always put it off because they take like half an hour to cook or something, and usually when I want to eat, I want to eat NOW. Oh well, I'll try it sooner or later.
Classes are going very well, I'm not feeling any stress whatsoever from everything. I'm taking 13 credits this semester, and I can definitely say that unless things get unbearably stressful towards the end of the semester, I can totally see myself taking up a fifth class. I've got four 3-credit courses and a one credit Freshman seminar which is kinda fun, but mostly boring and seemingly pointless. I would much rather replace that time with another 3 credit course. I'm also looking into CLEP courses to get ahead in stuff, which would be utterly beyond cool.
I filled up my car for under $40 today, which is the first time I have EVER done that. I've been watching the price of crude oil as well as the price at the pump, because its been slowly but surely going down the past week and a half or so. I decided that I would fill up if/when it got below $3.30, and sure enough, this morning it was $3.29! $37. 15. Still way too freaking much, IMO, but a heck of a lot better than the $4.15+ I would pay in Wisconsin over the summer.
Things with Amanda are going really well too right now. She is such a fun girl to talk to, and I love reliving all the memories we've had together, as well as talking about all our hopes and dreams for the future, all while striving to put God first in our lives as individuals and together as a couple. I feel that we've never really, truly done that as a couple up until really after she went home at the end of the summer. The difference that God's blessing brings is truly a beautiful and joyful experience! I cannot wait to see her again, which will be in 87 days, on December 27, through January 4, in Louisiana.
Work is going well, too. I've been really good about getting up early and getting to work on time. It's pretty hard waking up at 6am some days, but I've only had two days where I haven't managed to pull myself out of bed so far; a far better track record than my serious time management issues I had this spring, when I would rarely be on time. I'm scheduled to put in 20 hours a week, but I think my paycheck will show something more like 21-22 hours a week, thanks to my arriving early consistently, and staying an extra 5 or 10 minutes past on some days. It feels good to know you're meeting your expectations, holding your own, and staying afloat in what anyone wouldn't hesitate to call a busy life.

So yep, thats a general summary of the larger things going on in life right now. Hopefully I'll update this thing with at least somewhat regularity. It takes me a few days between when I start and finish a blog, which is why I'm posting a blog about Monday night on Wednesday morning. :P Thank God for the save button! (Jesus saves too, you know. :P)


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